2025 Season
When is Registration?
Registration will open 12/1/2024 and close 2/15/2025.
When does the season take place and when are games played?
Our season begins the week before spring break (mid-March) and runs until the end of the school year. Games are typically played on Saturdays. We try to schedule 2 games for each team, preferably at the same location. We do play in 1-2 tournaments per season and some of those tournaments are Saturday and Sunday.
2025 Season Information
Practices will start the week of March 10th.
Our first games will be April 12th, possibly in Burn for a Native American Lacrosse experience focusing on the game origins and traditions (still waiting for confirmation).
End of the year celebration will be May 31st and our last games will be June 7th.
Where do games take place?
Home games are held at one of the football fields in Salem/Keizer. Away games can take place at opponents home fields, and may involve travel to Canby, Eugene, Portland, Camas, other locations in the Willamette Valley, and this season some of the teams will potentially go Eastern Oregon.
When and where are practices held?
Practice schedule is at the discretion of the team coach - typically two times per week in the evenings. Practice field location depends on field availability. Practices occur in the geographic area of Salem that each team is based out of (West Salem, South Salem, Sprague area, Keizer, etc). Finalized practice locations will be provided by your coaching staff the last week of March.
What does it cost and what is included in league fees?
The cost is $180 ($145 to SKYLL and $35 USA Lacrosse registration) for 3rd-8th graders and $60 for Kindergartners, 1st, and 2nd graders ($25 to SKYLL and $35 to USA Lacrosse). League fees cover all the basics for the season including US Lacrosse registration, uniforms, field rental fees, officials fees, team equipment (such as balls and goals) and tournament entry fees. Individual player gear is not provided by the league.
What equipment is required?
Equipment is the responsibility of the parent to provide. We do not provide individual gear such as sticks, **chest/shoulder pad, gloves, arm/elbow guards, helmets, etc., but we do have some loaner equipment, that kids can borrow for the season. As a 100% volunteer non-profit organization, we keep expenses to a minimum, and work hard to deliver a great experience to the kids!
** Note: Beginning January 1, 2022, field players must wear shoulder pads that meet the NOCSAE ND200 lacrosse standard at the time of manufacture.
Do you offer a girls lacrosse league?
We do not offer girls lacrosse, however, girls are welcome to play boys rules lacrosse with SKYLL.